Thursday, December 27, 2012

Porch Escape 3(escape game by Cogito Ergo Sum)

Here's the site:

Opening Movie: Nyan: I wonder if I have reception out here...<goes outside> BANG! Nyan: uhh...... oops! I call Wan. <looks at phone> Nyan: No reception!... Darn it! *sigh*

Opening Scene: You face a skill stand, a door, another door(to the left), a light, and a weird spring thing. Open your smartphone(if you already went out of it) and click the app with the red circle on it. Smile Cry Angry Heart, it says. Click the back button. Then click the yellow paper. BlahblahblahblahblahCASHblahblahblahblah. Why is CASH there? How about CASH means cry angry smile heart? Go to the spring thing. Click them until you get a key. Open the closet door(to the left). You get a frame. Go to the light. It says 2106. Enter it into the box in the closet. Aliens!!! They go into your smartphone. They surround the letters lies in aliens. Hmmm... they look like 5317. Type it in the skill stand to "Cat punch!"  Click the back button to go to the scene with the ladder and the paper. Punch the ladder. Go up and click the button.

Next Movie:  Wan is asleep. *doorbell music* <wan awakes> Hmm.. Master not home<wan falls asleep> *doorbell music* *doorbell music* *doorbell music* *doorbell music* Wan: Hmm.. insistent. This happened a long time ago. Now that I think of it, where's Nyan? No way... Not…<wide-eyed face> ON THE PORCH!!!???? Nyan: Help! Wan: What happened? Nyan: Blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. Wan: ok! I'll help Nyan!

Start of second scene: You face a couch, a picture, and a tree. One of the things on the couch looks odd. It's a battery! If you click the painting, it says "something missing".? Oh well. Click the tree. Click around until you find the paper on the tree. It says Easy: card key, Normal: intercom, Hard: smartphone. This game is 3 END. Good luck!

Easy End: Turn right. You see a skill stand, a key card, a TV, and blocks. Click the skill stand. Enter pass code? Look at the blocks. Hmm... red 5 green 3 blue 8 yellow 2? Type it into the skill stand. Wan's jump! Jump at the key card. Swipe it on the brown door.

Normal End: Do the easy ending up until the opening the door. Then go to the scene with the bookshelf and a glass door. Go to the bookshelf. 2 boxes, 2 books, a mirror, a trophy, and a plant. Open the green book. Memorize the symbols on the next page, then turn the page. Hmm...7]sideways bracket0. Ok! *page turn* ---- What? Uhhh... Maybe when you add the symbols to the lines you get the answer? So... It's 9368. Type it into the green box. You get…*drum roll* colored pencils? Let's uhh.....color in the painting, I guess? Yikes!!!!! The painting moved! Pink red blue gray-blue? Flowers! It's 4123. You get a paper! It says: Hint intercom: v x i? Type 5101 in the intercom.

Hard End/Happy end: Do the normal ending up until opening the book. Open the gray book. Hmm.. Hint. 6_2=8, 10_2=8, 4_2=8, and 16_2=8. Hmm... +-*/, and red green blue yellow, so +*/-. Lift the trophy. A paper! It says Hello, with an upside down pass. Go to the mirror. Hold the paper in front of the mirror. It says pass, H...uh... 6110? Put it into the blue box. You get a clicker. Swipe the smart card on the glass door. It's that thing from the book. Type in +*-/ into the thing. You get another battery! Put the batteries in the clicker and turn the TV on. A box. 4 ducks come out! The TV crackles with static. It starts blinking RING. Move the ducks to make them spell ring. Wow! The TV moved! The smartphone!(wait, why did he hide his smartphone behind the TV?) Grab it. The red blinking thing! Click it. Home access code! Hey! The TV! Hmm... stuff. Click the hint button. Hmmm... Oh! R=right, L=left, U=up, D=down! When you trace it, it looks like 257. Type it into your smartphone. Click unlock.

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